The Southeast Anatolia region, also known as Upper Mesopotamia, has been decisive in the history of civilization as the geography where wheat was first domesticated and spread throughout the world. As a profession, we mediate the transformation of this valuable product into valuable results in a geography that hosts various varieties of wheat, which is the symbol of abundance.
As a building that accompanies the transformation journey of wheat into food, we are in the middle of the transformation of wheat from a gathering vehicle to a bakeable food, and we witness many stages.
Our company; A building, a house, where the flour is in our hands, transformed and metamorphosed by our knowledgeable touch… A strong organization that has its own values, is sincere, supportive and protective just like a family, offering solutions.
In line with the goal of being a company that obtains effective and correct combinations with its experience and will achieve success with these recipes; We are aware that we are the stage that affects the result the most with our products. For the result to be successful, we must be the best in the process between the raw material producers and the end consumer. As professionals in between, it is our duty to establish the equivalence.
By analyzing wheat and wheat flour; We ensure that the existing infrastructures are examined with analytical values, the requirements are determined according to the needs and the quality standardization is kept under constant control.
The targeted end product is applied by our technical team by providing the field process conditions and requirements and the needs are determined. Our product development team adapts the field language and the technical language to create solutions to meet these needs.
These lines, which symbolize the harvest time, which is the background of everything, describe the plowed fields, productivity, labor and self-sacrifice.
Bakeground aims to be a company that embodies all these at its core and aims to add value to it.